Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Azure Functions and Azure Active Directory B2C - part 2 - postman

Azure Functions and Azure Active Directory B2C (Part 2) - postman

In my previous post I setup an Azure function and B2C for auth. I wanted to now quickly get postman to use a token from B2C. In retrospect probably would have been quicker to build the SPA, will try that next. Quickly, not so much, as I worked through the screens and dialogs in B2C to setup apps and scopes, mostly getting this error when trying to get a token from within Postman.

AADB2C90205: This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation.

In the Azure Portal, Azure B2C, Applications, go to the app created previously (mine was called functionsapp). Ensure that the APP ID URI is something, in my instance called is spaapp.

Then lower down in that blade find "API Access", by default it will contain "access the users profile". Under published scopes it auto filled "user_impersonation" for me.

Create a Postman application in B2C

In the Azure Portal, Azure B2C, Applications, create an app for Postman

Give it a name, Web app (Yes), Implicit (Yes), Reply URL (, App ID URI (/api), Native Client (No)

Then lower down in that blade find "API Access", by default it will contain "access the users profile". Click Add, and choose the name of your other app (in my instance functionsapp) and choose the scopes. Save.

Under published scopes I had nothing.

Postman - Get new access token screen 

I typed these in:

Token name : anything
Grant: implicit
Call back url:
Auth URL :
Client id: 842....
Scope : openid offline_access
Client authentication: send client credentials in body

Fail, until I got that scope and app id URI correct.

Token received!

Test the function

Test the function in the postman, and 200 OK, and the function log show my header coming through, as expected from previous post (req.headers["x-ms-client-principal-id"])


On to the front end, less time in Postman.




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Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Azure Functions and Azure Active Directory B2C - part 1

Azure Functions and Azure Active Directory B2C (Part 1)

Doing some work with azure functions and need authentication so I decided to try the B2C to setup an external Identity Provider.

I used [1], [2], [3] as reference.

Create a Azure AD B2C directory 

Create a new AD B2C directory, you cannot use an existing AAD directory.

Once done you want to set up policies. Do not go to Azure AD, it's not there, search in services for "Azure B2C", open that up and possibly favourite it so it is pinned on the menu.

If you did this as I did, the directory is not linked to a subscription. You need to go through MarketPlace, find B2C and choose the "Link an existing B2C to my subscription". Wait for that process and then go back to the B2C blade and view the Identity Providers and associated policies


Setup a basic sign in / sign up policy, specifying the idP, custom attributes and claims. I'm still going to integrate with another Provider, just want a basic case to work first.

Link an app

The purpose of this step is to configure an app to use the B2C directory.

A GUID will be generated.

Go back to the Sign up / sign in policy and grab the metadata endpoint URL

Go to the Function App, Function App Settings, Networking, Authentication/Authorisation and turn on the Authentication. Select "Azure Active Directory", Choose advanced and enter the GUID generated previously as well as the metadata endpoint url.

Save and wait for the notification "Save App Auth Settings"

Test the function

Test the function in the test window, you will have a 401 Unauthorized returned with error "Authentication is enabled for the function app. Disable authentication before running the function.".

Great, so grab the function URL and paste into a private browser session. You will be prompted to enter your existing email address and password, or signup. I chose the latter, and was presented with this form, which matches the fields I want captured:

I verified the account and the function was executed successfully! (Note I used the sample http trigger, which will become my secured cosmos db function)

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<string xmlns="">Hello sgdfg</string>

I actually added the request headers to the response like this to test:

body: JSON.stringify(req.headers)

I get 4 headers, particularly this one, which has the display name I provided in signup. Not super useful


But I also get "x-ms-client-principal-id":"6f8132fc-..."

I will use that in the meanwhile, but want to exchange for claims.


It was easy enough to setup the B2C and the App, then linking a function so that the function can authenticate and authorise a user. Next is to read the claims within the function to ensure I can setup cosmos db documents per user.




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