Sunday, 28 January 2018

Provisioning Office 365 Services 01 - getting started

Provisioning Office 365 Services 01

I've just completed the Provisioning Office 365 Services course through edX, mostly as a result of a number of organisations asking me over the last 3 months if I had any knowledge or experience in O365.

Thus I now do, specifically using a trial for an E3 subscription to setup a basic tenant comprising Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, Office, Teams etc. I have not setup/configured InTune (noting I do have some prior experience from an solutions architect view for mobile platforms) or Skype for Business, nor intend to, as my goal was to understand the Subscription, Tenant, Domains, Email and Administration views, and hopefully get some context on Rights Management.

Creating the tenant  

It is important to note that you must select the region/country for the subscription data location AFAIK this cannot be changed.

Also choose a domain name which is which you also cannot change - this is the default domain name associated with the subscription.

So how do I find out my tenant name /domain name and tenant ID after the fact? Open azure portal and find the Directory ID (Guid) here and the name of the tenant is the you are most likely currently logged in as when creating the subscription. Find it under Setup -> Domains if you are unsure.

While you are on the Organisation profile you may as well select the Release Track or remember to do it later if you want some users to be on the latest releases as they come out. Most likely you actually want to do this once there are some users, so moving on..

What does my subscription look like? Like the below:

Custom Domain

You'll need to setup the custom domain for your organisation before adding users. Do this from the Setup -> Domains

I'm skipping a few screens here, in the interests of not showing my settings, but after adding the domain you need to verify you own it. Do this via the TXT OR MX record option. I chose TXT and flew through it

As example of the Verification screen:

Once verified, which is super easy, you are presented with tables of the releveant DNS Entries to add. I really think the addition of the required DNS entries on screen is helpful to get you started quickly.


Add a user (regular user or Administrative)

I wanted more rights, so the Roles can be edited to give me Admin, or a mixed set of Administrative roles. These are all well documented and I won't repeat the role descriptions here.


Add some groups, there are a couple of options including O365 groups, distribution lists, mail enabled security groups and security groups.

I created one called Accounts, which would be used elsewhere, and added a user or two


This is a good start - you've created the subscription, setup a custom domain, and added users and groups. If I can work through my other thoughts before my trial ends I'll put them up here so that I can remember, and perhaps they are useful to someone else.


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